Product Block & Page CSS Targets
Welcome to our Squarespace ecommerce tip page, where you can find CSS targeting elements to help you optimize the look and feel of your online store. With these you can create a unique and visually stunning ecommerce store that will help you stand out from the competition.
At our Squarespace ecommerce CSS tip page, we are committed to helping you create an online store that not only looks great, but also functions flawlessly. So whether you're looking to optimize your store's appearance or improve the user experience, we have the CSS tips you need to succeed.
Prodcut Block
.product-block .productDetails .product-title - product block title
.product-block .productDetails .product-price - prodcut block price
div.quantity-label - product block quanity text
.product-block .productDetails .product-quantity-input input - product block quanity box
Product Page
.ProductItem .ProductItem-details h1.ProductItem-details-title - product page product title
.ProductItem-details .ProductItem-product-price .product-price - product page product price
.ProductItem-details .quantity-label - product page quanity label
.ProductItem-details .product-quantity-input input - product page quanity box
Example CSS Elements
border:solid 1px pink;
.sqs-add-to-cart-button - add to cart button
.products.collection-content-wrapper .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link - bread crumb nav link
example CSS:
.products.collection-content-wrapper .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb-link { font-family:FONT_NAME; font-size: SIZE; color: HEX CODE; }
.ProductItem .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb span - breadcrumb arrow seperator
Example CSS:
.ProductItem .ProductItem-nav-breadcrumb span { color: HEX CODE; }
Product Varient
.ProductItem-details .variant-option-title - prodcut variant title
Example CSS:
.ProductItem-details .variant-option-title { font-family:FONT_NAME; font-size: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; color: purple; }
.ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper - product variant box
Example CSS:
.ProductItem-details .variant-select-wrapper { width:50%; padding: 1rem; color: purple; }